
Filters represent logical conditions which you can use to match flows. Only matched flows will be listed if you select one or more filters in the sidebar.

To create a filter, move the mouse onto the “Filter” header in the sidebar and click the add button.

Nested Filters

To create nested filters in the filter editor, hold the option key and click the “+” button in the line where you want it to be.

Matching Headers

Header matching is case-insensitive and against a string of the form name: value.

Regular Expressions

Choose the “match” operator to do a regular expression matching.


The “like” operator matches strings with ? and * as wildcards, where ? matches 1 character and * matches 0 or more characters.

URL Components

│                                     URL                                     │
│        │    │          host          │                  path                │
│ scheme │    ├─────────────────┬──────┼───────────────────────┬──────────────│
│        │    │    host name    │      │       path name       │ query string │
│        │    │                 │      │                       ├──────────────│
   https : // : 8080   /foo/hi%2Cproxie.html   ?param=val    

The URL path name (decoded) would be /foo/hi,proxie.html.